Am I sane?

Humble ramblings of a semi-sane mom of 2 boys and wife to one very wonderful husband.

Sunday, December 25, 2005

Merry Christmas

Yea, I said it. Merry. Christmas. I don't know why everyone has to get offended by something nowadays. Today is Christmas. The day we celebrate the birth of Jesus. The day non-Christians also celebrate family and friends and good food. When I was a kid, my best friend was Jewish. They had a Christmas tree up in their living room. So why, now, do so many people get "offended" by being wished a "Merry Christmas"....would they rather I say "go fuck yourself"??!! Yea, kinda extreme, I know, but that's how some people react. Stupid people....the same people who bitch about being wished a Merry Christmas haven't boycotted tha day as far as I can tell and love opening their presents as much as everyone else. Oh, well, c'est la vie. But as for me, it's MERRY CHRISTMAS & HAPPY NEW YEAR and may we all find something more productive to bitch about than someone saying a kind greeting to us. Like how we suck at feeding & housing our homeless. Or how we don't provide healthcare for ALL US citizens, etc, etc, etc.


Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Vestiges of pregnancy.....

So, it's been 4 months now since I was cut open and my youngest son wrested from my body. I've survived the c-section, severe anemia, non-stop crying for hours on end (mine AND Jaxon's), functioned on an average of 13 minutes sleep and changed approximately 1,078 diapers. And those were the highlights :) Just kidding. Jaxon is a wonderful, sweet baby, even if he is what my grandmother terms, a "high needs child". And that, he is. He knows what he wants and you better had given it to him 5 minutes ago. And shame on you if you couldn't figure out what he wanted fast enough, damn it!

But I digress...I've been having some annoying little symptoms that haven't went away with time, so I went to the doctor today for a bit of a tune up. He checked me over, had a nurse draw some blood and then referred me to a proctologist for my "other" problem. That's right, I have to go see an ass doctor. And if you laugh, remember that karma will kick you in the ass. Pun intended. I'm REALLY looking forward to this. Yea. Like a root canal.

On an entirely unrelated note, I'm finally starting to get back into the swing of things and I hope to start posting more regularly in my blog. I never did write "part 2" of my birth story, so I really need to do that. Here's a picture of me & my big Elf.....oh, and Jaxon, too :)

Merry Christmas!!!!

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Before I die.....

I got to thinking the other day about all the things I want to do before I die....I mean, I'm already 34 and feel as if I've wasted away the vast majority of my life thusfar. I thought it would be interesting to make a list of the things I'd like to do before I leave this earth. And, hey, I'm gonna dream BIG! After all, it's my list & my life :)

1) Go back to Alaska
2) Own another horse
3) Win the lottery
4) See the pyramids in Egypt
5) Ride a horse on the beach
6) Go on a European vacation (ireland, italy, germany...)
7) Get in REALLY good shape and have the body I've always dreamed of
8) Get baptized
9) See the Holy cities-- Jeruselum, etc
10) Overcome my phobia
11) Write and publish a book
12) Act in something (play, film,whatever)
13) Graduate college
14) Go on a road trip out West
15) Breed a Westminster winning dog
16) Buy a really cool sportscar.....Accura NSX, Toyota Celica...something along those lines
17) Become a world famous photographer
18) Have my own newspaper column
19) Become a grandma
20) Retire to someplace warm and sunny

Hmmmmm.....that's all I can think of for now....