Vestiges of pregnancy.....

So, it's been 4 months now since I was cut open and my youngest son wrested from my body. I've survived the c-section, severe anemia, non-stop crying for hours on end (mine AND Jaxon's), functioned on an average of 13 minutes sleep and changed approximately 1,078 diapers. And those were the highlights :) Just kidding. Jaxon is a wonderful, sweet baby, even if he is what my grandmother terms, a "high needs child". And that, he is. He knows what he wants and you better had given it to him 5 minutes ago. And shame on you if you couldn't figure out what he wanted fast enough, damn it!
But I digress...I've been having some annoying little symptoms that haven't went away with time, so I went to the doctor today for a bit of a tune up. He checked me over, had a nurse draw some blood and then referred me to a proctologist for my "other" problem. That's right, I have to go see an ass doctor. And if you laugh, remember that karma will kick you in the ass. Pun intended. I'm REALLY looking forward to this. Yea. Like a root canal.
On an entirely unrelated note, I'm finally starting to get back into the swing of things and I hope to start posting more regularly in my blog. I never did write "part 2" of my birth story, so I really need to do that. Here's a picture of me & my big Elf.....oh, and Jaxon, too :)
Merry Christmas!!!!
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