Am I sane?

Humble ramblings of a semi-sane mom of 2 boys and wife to one very wonderful husband.

Saturday, June 25, 2005

I'm melting!

Oh boy, is it HOT out! Like 90 something degrees. Fahrenheit. At least it's not Celsius! My son was in a parade this morning (he's a Cub Scout) and I trekked to the parade route, scouted out a spot in the shade and parked my ass there for an hour or so, wilting as it got hotter and hotter so I could see my little man wave at me and my hubby throw some candy in my direction, lol. When we got home, I got the bright idea to wash my car, so I stretched my bikini over my 8 1/2 months pregnant butt and soaped up and rinsed the car. It actually was kind of fun and I drenched myself with the hose when I was done. Now I'm sitting in the AC just soaking it up :) I think I'll take a nap.

I know this is a totally boring and random post, but, hey, that's my life ;)


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