Am I sane?

Humble ramblings of a semi-sane mom of 2 boys and wife to one very wonderful husband.

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Growing up

Well, my first baby, Gavin, is 11 years old now. Honestly hard to believe. I know how cliche'ed it sounds, but it really does seem like I just brought him home from the hospital yesterday. He is SUCH a good kid. He's quiet, kind, empathetic, caring, sensitive. Sure, he has his moments, but I can't believe how lucky I got with a kid as genuinely good as him. He's staring Middle School in the fall and of course I am worried about so many things-- him being bullied, being exposed to alcohol and drugs, girls, you know.

Oh my- I just found this draft of a post I started 3 YEARS ago! Gavin is starting high school in 2 days. Time really gets away, doesn't it?


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