Am I sane?

Humble ramblings of a semi-sane mom of 2 boys and wife to one very wonderful husband.

Sunday, August 26, 2012


So it's said that people won't remember what you said, but they will remember how you made them feel....and I know that this is something I really need to work on. Growing up, I learned to be venomous with my words, to strike deep in defense. I was taunted and teased by kids and emotionally, verbally, and, at times, physically abused by my mother. I was small, and weak, and my voice, my words were all I had to strike back with. Oh, I took the teasing and abuse for many years before finding my voice....but once I found it, I realize that it hurts people way too much. Ironically, as cruel as I can be with my words, I am excessively empathetic and end up feeling terrible when my words or actions made others feel badly. This is a character flaw I have struggled with for many years and am trying to do better. Every year my New Year's Resolution is to "stop cussing and be kinder". And every year, I don't think I do nearly as well as I should. I will continue, though, because I don't want my legacy to be "the girl who makes people feel shitty".....


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